Thursday, July 31, 2014

New life plan: live in Glacier forever

Glacier National Park is so BEAUTIFUL. The dramatic topography in Glacier was mind blowing, and the wildlife was INCREDIBLE.

We (5 of us from the Landmark crew) did some backpacking by the Canadian border along Belly River for three days. The entire time we were surrounded by steep mountains that rose so quickly out of the U-shaped valley floor. The stratigraphy on the rock faces were continuous as far as you could see with vibrant patterns and colors. Trees, lakes, meadows, waterfalls, mountains, valleys, stars, sunsets, rocks, stromatolites, glaciers, snow, ice, Narnia, rivers, critters, ahhh Glacier has it all!

After spending time in the back country, we headed to the more touristy places in the park ....along with thousands of pushy people. As beautiful as those sections of the park were (sooo beautiful!), there is something precious about the less traveled sections of the park. The solitude of the back country is a huge part of its appeal, especially with such beautiful landscape. To mitigate against the crowds, we visited the more popular sections of the park during the evening and early morning.

Here's a list of the animals I played with:
Black bears
Yellow-bellied Marmots
Hoary marmots
Mule deer
Mountain goats (!)
Big horned sheep
Ground squirrels
Bald eagle
Birds birds birds

I now love mountain goats because they are devastatingly cute and completely defy the laws of science. They can climb 72 feet in 60 seconds! That's on a near vertical slope, on a loose-rock surface, with HOOVES.
Here is a photo of my new best friend and I gazing into each other's eyes:

Backcountry views in the Glens Lake valley

Not the best photo quality of our moose friend who visited our camp site at Glens Lake. He hung out with us for about an hour, munching on his evening snacks.

Pretty flowers that were along the trails

Buck Mule Deer along the Hidden Lake trail ~9pm.

Hiking up the Hidden Lake trail on snow and ice in my Birks and shorts. (Note: sweet sock tan)

Mountain Goat along the Hidden Lake trail

Mountain goat friends along the Highline Trail at 7:30am. This trail was along a cliff edge that was hundreds of feet above the valley floor. At some points the trail was only 3 feet wide.. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Heading to Glacier National Park for a week


Things I’m looking forward to:
Trees, mountains, birds, stars (New Moon on Saturday), COLD WEATHER, rocks, glaciers, alpine animals, any fellow backpackers I meet, roadtrip music, hiking on different terrain other than prairie, the smell, and so so much more.

Stay tuned for some sweet photos and some adventurous stories

Prairie Dogs and some heart-melting photos

Prairie dogs are a huge part of the ecosystem here on the prairie. Their towns are scattered around various spots, ranging in size. We often stumble upon a p-dog town on our hikes and are greeted with surround-sound chirps as they call out to warn each other of the tall bi-pedal creatures roaming through their town.

Black-tailed prairie dogs inhabit grasslands and sagebrush in extensive underground burrow systems.  Because they’re herbivores, they rival some of the fanciest golf courses with their landscaping capabilities.  Their burrows, however, wouldn’t be ideal for a golf course because of the cone-shaped mound of dirt that protrudes a foot or two at their entrance.  I have been so curious about their underground burrows, picturing them to be these extensive systems with dirt-furnished living rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms. But in reality, their tunnels extend vertically down from the entrance about 3-10 feet, and then continue horizontally for an additional 10-16 feet with some connecting tunnels every here and there. I still like to believe that they’ve made tiny couches out of dirt to lounge on during hot days.  I also picture a serious hierarchy among the prairie dogs in the prairie dog town: a king prairie dog, with his various mistress lady prairie dogs, his 37 children prairie dogs, and his noblemen prairie dogs who he comes to for advice on ruling his grand p-dog kingdom. As far as I know, this is not a real thing, but I still like to believe it is.

The past two days we have been fortunate enough to meet up with a team of prairie dog biologists and technicians who are working in the Charles M. Russell Wildlife Refuge (just south of where we are) and help them in some of their field work. They are working to help the prairie dogs deal with some diseases that are devastating to the colonies.  In this effort, they trap the prairie dogs, put them under, comb for fleas, pluck some hairs, weigh them, take blood, put in tracking chips, and mark them with ear tags. Just like a trip to a fancy salon and taking a nice nap! And somehow with my degree in geology and scientific curiosity, they let me help… So I threw on some gloves and manhandled some napping prairie dogs today. THEY ARE SO CUTE. Except when they poop on you while they’re sleeping… which of course happened to me.

Warning: these photos may make your heart melt
Hello Prairie Dogs (Photo: Shannon Rebinski) 

Holding my p-dog friend in her soon-to-be napping chamber (Photo: Shannon Rebinski) 

Putting ear tags on (Photo: Shannon Rebinski) 

 Releasing my p-dog friend home after her trip to the salon (Photo: Shannon Rebinski) 

Prairie dog on his mound

Prairie dogs kissing with a photobombing third-wheeler (Photo: Jonah Gula)


Burrowing Owl: A migratory owl that hijacks prairie dog burrows and lives there during the summer months

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Wildfires and Windstorms

Wildfires in Oregon and Washington have completely changed the vibe here on the prairie. With winds blowing east, the sky is a constant hazy-grey color with a small smokey scent. Wildfires are a natural process in many places, including the prairie, so the habitat and animals are used to the environment during this fire season. However, it was awfully surprising to wake up one morning to see the grey haze covering the landscape.

For the environmentally curious folks, here's an article on the ecological importance of wildfires: 

Speaking of wind, two nights ago we had the wind storm of the century. It lasted from ~1-4am (it was hard to gauge how long it lasted because survival instincts can fog timescales).  I was convinced my tent and I were going to get lifted off to Oz.  My tent survived, but some of the other tents were seriously injured. During the beginning of the storm, I braved the weather and tied down my tent in two more spots, and the wind was wildly impressive while I was out there.  I spent maybe 2 hours pushing against the western side of the tent, trying to brace my tent poles from the crazy wind forces. 
Sleeping through this storm? Impossible. The sound of tent fabric flapping in my ears was not exactly a soothing lullaby. And then the tent would cave in on my body every 8 minutes, startling me awake from any soft slumber I may have fallen into. When we all arose at 5am for our hike, we were not exactly the happiest campers (haha). We all expressed how badly we wanted it to rain TO JUST GET THE STORM OVER WITH. But no, not one drop fell from the sky. Just wind speeds that rival Katrina. 

I have a new appreciation for walls and a roof. 

On that note, here is a nice photo of the bison herd:

Mail me

Here's my address on the prairie if anyone would like to send me a love letter and/or some Jolly Ranchers:

Meghan Riehl
44704 Regina Rd
Malta, MT 59538.

The Malta mailman drives an hour to our mailbox, which is about two miles from my tent. 
That's dedication, my friends. So don't let him down.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

TV special on prairie conservation

A friendly man at the Malta coffee shop just told me that Dan Rather has a special on AXS TV about the efforts to get the Bison herds back on the prairie, it's called Range Wars on Tuesday, 22 July at 8pm.

WATCH IT, because I won't be able to.
I also have no idea if it'll be good and/or what stance it'll take on the conservation efforts. They may not like what we're doing out here, because many ranchers don't.

8 Sept 2014: 
Here's the link to the documentary! It's a bit long and I admittedly had to watch it in two parts, but the first half is worth watching to get an idea of the current issues APR is dealing with and the landscape.

Fun Fact: Bison are not Buffalo

Bison are not buffalo. Contrary to what basically EVERYONE believes, they are a different species. Bison are solely located in North America (their scientific name is Bison bison.. very original). Buffalo, however, are native in Africa and parts of Asia. They both belong to the Bovidae family, commonly known as the ungulates. Hoofed mammals, including buffalo, bison, antelopes, gazelles, cattle, sheep, goats, etc. are all ungulates.

On that educational note, here are photos of some of my many Bison bison encounters.
(ps - I don't understand which idiot named Buffalo Camp, but they need to read this and reevaluate their understanding of bison vs. buffalo).

Crew members Caleb and Alex observing the bison herd from the top of our trusty Toyota Sequoia. 13 July 2014

Bison Crossing! 13 July 2014

Blurry photo from my tent on the morning of 14 July 2014. We woke up and were all stranded in our tents because the bison had taken over Buffalo Camp. Hikes were about an hour delayed that day.. 

A male trio about a mile from Buffalo Camp.

I wish I could take credit for this adorable photo. It was taken from one of our crew members in June. The calves are now larger and starting to get darker in color. 

Rattlesnake Encounters

On my past 3 hikes, I have seen and/or heard a rattlesnake everyday.  It's very exciting, but certainly a huge adrenaline rush considering those things can kill you. It doesn't help that we are recommended to get anti-venom within an hour of being bitten, and we are just about an hour away from the nearest hospital in Malta. Sure, we could drive fast. But also consider that we're out in the middle of the field not near an accessible road. So we'd have to radio for help, hope someone is listening and is fairly nearby, and hope that person has access to an ATV. During this time, the victim is to lay down with their bite location below their heart and to stay as calm as possible. See? I listened during training. 

However, since we get up at 5 for our hikes, the snakes are still pretty cold when we encounter them. Therefore, they're not likely to strike. So they rattle aggressively to warn us off. 
Don't worry Mom and Dad, I'm wearing gaiters. 

 My first rattler sighting. This is the one I nearly stepped on... His rattler reveals that he was 5-7 years old. 

 Slithering away; 13 July 2014

 Rattler on 16 July 2014, you can see his face and his rattler indicates that he's fairly old

Rattler on 16 July 2014

The video you've been waiting for: I apologize for any crude or weird language I used... I was in shock and weird things came out of my mouth. Snake sighting on 13 July 2014

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Rabbits, rattlesnakes, and decapitated birds

Today's hike was an adventurous one! My feet and boots still are not getting along, but they go numb after the first half-mile usually. By 7:15am I was already dripping in sweat, which led to a constant swarm of approximately one million mosquitoes. Although I don't approve of bug stray, I couldn't resist because it was too early in the morning to be THAT annoyed. 

In a moment of concentration as we fought to keep our breath as we crested a hill, a small rabbit scampered about one foot in front of me, giving me my first heart attack of the day. 

My second heart attack was when I almost got bitten by a rattlesnake..... 
While Leah (my hiking partner today) was documenting a small lark sparrow who was nearly decaptiated by flying into the barbed wire fence (photo below), I decided I was going to start switching the camera trap batteries/SD card. As I walked towards the camera (very angrily because of the 47 horse flies biting me in that particular moment) I heard a frighteningly close rattle. I looked down and there was a rattlesnake in its coiled/attack position about two feet away from my foot. I didn't really handle it well because I screamed like a little girl, probably frightening the snake even more. I did, however, run away pretty damn fast. Leah came over to check out the snake from a safe distance, but he was not happy to see another giant homo sapien, so he warned us again with another rattle. In my series of curses, panic, and fly swats, I was able to get a photo of the snake (coming soon!) 

...And there is a strong possibility that my reaction to the snake was caught on our motion-sensors camera. Stay tuned and I'll post it if that's the case!

Dead lark sparrow on barbed wire! :( So sad! (Photo: Leah Mabee) 

I found a mule deer jaw and thought I was funny (Photo: Leah Mabee)

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The prairie is not made for humans: an idea of what we're doing out here

As I've mentioned before, our job out here on the prairie is to observe wildlife and document their behavior and locations. We work in teams of two and each group hikes one of the eight transects that are mapped on our GPSes. There is one team who is on 'car team' and their job is to check certain cameras and pick the hikers up when they're finished. We have 27 cameras on the Sun Prairie that are motion triggered. Therefore, most of the videos are of the grasses blowing in the wind. And each camera can have up to 250 one-minute grass movies - really exciting stuff...

Because it is a trillion degrees starting at 8am, we get up at 5am to get our hikes started. Don't worry, napping commences around 1 after we've returned from the hikes and have replenished our energy with lunch. 

About once a week we conduct 'Bison Counts' and sunset wildlife scopes. The bison counts require two teams to walk 5ish miles and count only the bison they see. The herds can be up to 200 bison!

The prairie doesn't cater to humans. In the winter it's absolutely freezing with harsh winds, spring still has snow and occasional storms, July and August are f##king hot with mosquitos, late summer and early fall is the wet season with lots of storms and fires due to the lightning, and then it gets freezing again. 
Sounds nice doesn't it? We have had a couple of families stay at Buffalo Camp, and we can't understand why on earth anyone would want to come here when Glacier and Yellowstone are 5 hours away... But then again, why am I here?! Oh yeah, to enjoy the unique landscape and collect data towards this giant conservation project that will (hopefully) obtain nearly 3.5 million acres within 10 years! It is pretty rewarding to be a part of something like this at the end of the day (when the sun is down and it finally cools off) and be around people who share a passion for nature and the earth we live on! 🌎✌️

An idea of what out transects look like

The gear we take in the field, along with a million liters of water and high energy snacks (thank you Clif Bar company for sponsoring us and providing is with a plethora of bars) 

Shannon and myself on a sunset wildlife scope, protecting ourselves from the mosquito swarms. (Photo: Leah Mabee) 

Shannon and myself (photo: Leah Mabee) 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Oh to be clean

Public service announcement:

But really, showering after 10 days of sweating for 22\24 hours of the day felt better than I expected. Granted, I ran the water for all of 1 minute to conserve it (perks of short hair!!). We only have access to solar-heated showers at Grouse Camp when there aren't folks staying there. My typical shower is a swim in Fourchette Bay after a hike.

I was on dinner duty last night and cooked some baller burgers: Avocado, bacon, pesto, caramelized onions, tomato, and lettuce. I wish I had taken a photo, they were very beautiful burgers (if that is even possible..). Stretching our mouths large enough was a challenge, but it was well worth it. Afterwards we all sat in the cook tent in a food\heat coma and had to dunk our heads under the water spicket to cool off, which has become a very common thing a Buffalo Camp this month.

Below are some photos of Buffalo Camp, where we're staying. We have a trailer and a cook tent, but all the cooking happens in the trailer. The cook tent is where we eat and is home to a nice fridge and microwave as well as a family of mice. Pretty fancy living!

My little green tent is on a platform and has kept me safe from the swarming mosquitoes and scary spiders at night (thank you Sarah and Jevon!). I have discovered that a field mouse has taken residence underneath my tent vestibule, and we have maintained a nice relationship (as long as he stays OUT of my tent). My tent platform is also a favorite scratching post to our neighborhood bison whom I've named William.
A Little Shower on the Prairie, at Grouse Camp 9 July 2014

Our trailer and cook tent. And our trusty vehicle that goes through hell everyday. How we haven't gotten stuck or broken the car yet, shocks me.

180 degrees from previous photo, looking at our tents

Inside our trailer

Sunset from my tent. 9 July 2014

My comfy tent 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

4th of July Adventures

My 4th of July was perhaps the most interesting Fourth I've ever had. As volunteers for Landmark with ASC (Adventurers and Scientists for Conservation) which is partnered with APR (American Prairie Reserve), our crew of 6 was asked to be in the 4th of July parade in Zortman, Montana. 
A little background on Zortman: 
- It's an hour and a half west of our camp on the prairie backed up against the Little Rockies (providing some awesome rocks and hikes)
- Population: 69
- There are more ATVs than houses - it's a right of passage for a child to have their own ATV. Also infants often ride in the front with no helmet or protection
- There was a gold mine there back in its prime, making it a historic mining town 
- You can find cool fossils at the dump
- There are two buildings that will have your every need: the bar (The Miner's Club) and the convinience store.
- They love fireworks (ages 6-86 light them off beginning at 11am until 3am)
- They throw a baller 4th of July.

So we arrived in Zortman around 10:30am for the 11am parade. The parade went about 200 yards down the only (dirt) road and turned around to go back to the start. Our 'float' was the back of a truck bed with magnets representing APR and ASC on the side of the truck. That was maybe the most exciting float considering the parade was solely ATVs decked out in American pride gear. Oh, also Smokey the Bear was there, which I was obviously excited about!! AND THE CANDY. Candy was raining from the sky. 

After the 13-minute parade with about 130 people watching, the yard activities began: water balloon toss, wheel barrel races, three-legged races, etc. Then came the potluck, including delicious foods: fried chicken, Kraft Mac and Cheese, 18 different potato salad dishes, 30 different pasta salad dishes, watermelon, and a variety of desserts. 

Since we had 8 hours until darkness/fireworks, we went to a fresh water spring for a swim and Malta for beer and fries to kill time. Back in Zortman at 9pm was when the real party got started.

Upon entering the bar, I was greeted by an extraordinarily drunk Native American couple named Judes and Bowser. They were very impressed by our efforts on the prairie and graciously bought me a beer. After chatting (loudly) with them, we went outside to enjoy the firework show. Now, most towns display their fireworks in an organized show. Zortman folks, however, individually purchase hundreds of dollars worth of fireworks from the Reserve across the hills and lights their fireworks off randomly in the middle of the street. I've never seen so many large fireworks coming from so many directions! It was wild. AND THE AGE RANGE. Hank Riehl, you belong in Zortman for the Fourth. Children were throwing fireworks under cars and at people for their personal entertainment. AND we were hanging out with the Zortman fire department, who did not seem concerned whatsoever. No problem.

Then as we were leaving, I saw my drunk bar friend Judes with a taser (whattttt?!), and another group of rowdy, angry men arguing as one of them whipped out his knife. 
We quickly booked it out of Zortman quickly after we saw the knife.

Needless to say, Zortman had the best firework show I've ever seen (sorry Union College) due to its fantastic community and American enthusiasm. If anyone ever finds themselves in-the-middle-of-nowhere-Montana on the 4th of July, hit up Zortman and you'll be in for an adventure for sure!

The beginning of the parade (at the turn around point)

The ASC ladies throwing fruit snacks off of our 'float'

Behind our 'float'

ATVs > horses > cars

Briana (ASC's intern), Shannon, Alex, Smokey, myself, and Leah in front of the 'Zortman Jail'. (Photo:Leah Mabee; Caleb not pictured)

Large enthusiasm for the balloon toss (photo: Leah Mabee) 

Not the best photo, but note the proximity of the car to the fireworks. 

Sparklers with the Zortman fire department (photo: Leah Mabee) 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

One week on the prairie

One week on the prairie completed! And boy has it been a wild ride.

I left Boston last Saturday to travel to Malta, Montana by train. That's 2,260 miles on a train. I overnighted on the train from Boston and arrived in Chicago 7 hours behind schedule, causing me to miss my train to Malta. Amtrak put me up in the Hyatt in Chicago for a night, which gave me one more night of comfortable sleep and one more hot shower - I wasn't complaining.
The next train journey was delayed and ultimately ended up arriving in Malta 6 hours late. So my 2,260 mile train journey to Malta took me 3.8 days. A message to all travelers out there: if you plan on traveling across the country by train, give yourself 4 extra days. The freight trains cause ridiculous delays...

I was the only passenger to get off the train in Malta, and the conductors were making fun of me, asking why on earth I'd be going to Malta, MT. In fact, many people asked me that question, and when I responded with 'to do a conservation project on the American Prairie Reserve 40 miles south of Malta' I'd get a wide-eyed response of 'Wow, that's ambitious...'. This didn't phase me. But when I arrived on the prairie, I understood why they responded in that way.

The prairie is a land of extremes. Our first hike almost killed me. We were out on a 95 degree day, with no shade or breeze hiking during the peak hours of the day for 8 miles. And coming off a 4-day train trip with little food, sleep, and water did not help me any. I suffered greatly from heat exhaustion and found myself rather ill for the rest of the day. And when I went to sleep that night, I vomited in my tent. ..What a great first day.

The first couple of days on the prairie were very hard on me. Blisters, heat exhaustion, dehydration, homesickness. I wanted to jump back on the train and head back to New Hampshire. What have I gotten myself in to?! Two months in the middle of no where...? Oy
Since then, however, I've started to change my frame of mind. 
The reason I'm here is to help gain a better understanding of this vast landscape in the name of science and conservation, and it is certainly an incredible place. 10-mile hikes on specific transects in groups of two everyday allow us to see animals in their natural habit. Bison, mule deer, sage grouse, jack rabbits, owls(!), prairie dogs, elk, white tailed deer! We record what we see on a GPS and document them. At first I thought this place was boring and flat, but now I'm realizing the diversity and beauty of the landscape. Nonetheless, it still scares the crap out of me.

My beautiful blisters (2 of 5)

Grouse Camp (not where I'm staying, but where fancy people pay to stay for a 'rugged' camping adventure)

Fourchette Bay, where we go nearly everyday for a quick swim after our transect hikes

Mosquito protection during sunset wildlife
scope. 7 July 2014

Sunset during wildlife scope, looking at the Little Rockies (where Zortman is - more about Zortman to come later). 7 July 2014

Eastern Screech Owl seen on transect on 8 July 2014