Thursday, July 17, 2014

Rattlesnake Encounters

On my past 3 hikes, I have seen and/or heard a rattlesnake everyday.  It's very exciting, but certainly a huge adrenaline rush considering those things can kill you. It doesn't help that we are recommended to get anti-venom within an hour of being bitten, and we are just about an hour away from the nearest hospital in Malta. Sure, we could drive fast. But also consider that we're out in the middle of the field not near an accessible road. So we'd have to radio for help, hope someone is listening and is fairly nearby, and hope that person has access to an ATV. During this time, the victim is to lay down with their bite location below their heart and to stay as calm as possible. See? I listened during training. 

However, since we get up at 5 for our hikes, the snakes are still pretty cold when we encounter them. Therefore, they're not likely to strike. So they rattle aggressively to warn us off. 
Don't worry Mom and Dad, I'm wearing gaiters. 

 My first rattler sighting. This is the one I nearly stepped on... His rattler reveals that he was 5-7 years old. 

 Slithering away; 13 July 2014

 Rattler on 16 July 2014, you can see his face and his rattler indicates that he's fairly old

Rattler on 16 July 2014

The video you've been waiting for: I apologize for any crude or weird language I used... I was in shock and weird things came out of my mouth. Snake sighting on 13 July 2014

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